Monday, November 14, 2011

lemme talk about my dream from last night.

It was pretty wild. It involved Ashton Kutcher, Demi Moore, and my manager from work, Dave. Which is weird because I didn't see Dave at work yesterday nor did I watch anything with Ashton and Demi but whatever.

Anywho, from what I remember it started out as Ashton and I were friends and we were shopping or something. Apparently, he kept telling me how much he loved me even though he was in a relationship.

Also - apparently I was in a ceramics class (and the teacher was Dave) and I was taking classes from a personal trainer

I suppose it was the next day and Ashton tells me that he is getting a divorce because Demi cheated on him. I guess we then try to get together but he tells me no? I don't know.

It was just really weird and now I just want to look at pictures of Ashton Kutcher.